Yeah but he earned it by drawing a big crowd that will give him the money to get one.
Sound like he's praying on a real brain dead crowd of followers. Them's the benefits of preaching peoples brains into mush.
louisiana televangelist seeks donations for 54m privet jet.
claims god is behind the idea.
he stated "if the lord jc was physically on earth today, he wouldn't be riding a donkey".
Yeah but he earned it by drawing a big crowd that will give him the money to get one.
Sound like he's praying on a real brain dead crowd of followers. Them's the benefits of preaching peoples brains into mush.
oh the gb and the society could learn from this response!.
no victim blaming.
no passing of the buck.
If they are interested in public trust they better respond in a good way or they are going to lose big time membership and support in Australia.
They should also post their response at News at least something more original than "Jehovah's Witnesses Abhor Child Abuse", for Christ sake. Faithful and Discreet Slave my ass!
These other Churches are leaving the Watchtower Corporation in the dust when it comes to being humble Christians.
if god’s people can’t see anti-god verses in the bible, how can they be god’s people?.
jehovah is the “god of the gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with god,” says the bible.
(romans 3:29; deuteronomy 10:17).
I wouldn't call them antigod because that phrase has a lot of assumptions about god that reflect a persons indoctrination about god and his personality.
Why should god always have to be good? Says who? A preacher? Blinders wearing person leading the blind?
As it is gods vary from person to person.
...part 2:
...part 3:
Barbra Anderson and Romey did a great job the presentation had just the right blend of emotion to have tremendous impact on the viewer to get the real picture.
i'm sure most are familiar with the greenlee's story floating around the internet.
so what if some members of the governing body have been accused of molesting a child and used the 2 witness rule to silence a accusation?
so could it be that because some high up watchtower corporation person/persons has clung to the rule because it save's his corporate ass.
I'm sure most are familiar with the Greenlee's story floating around the internet. So what if some members of the Governing Body have been accused of molesting a child and used the 2 witness rule to silence a accusation? We would never know.
So could it be that because some high up Watchtower Corporation person/persons has clung to the rule because it save's his corporate ass. I think the reasons for this stupid financial move to stick to the 2 witness rule which is gonna cost them big time in the courts for damages lawsuits is because some very high ups have a lot to lose in corporate benefits.
if god’s people can’t see anti-god verses in the bible, how can they be god’s people?.
jehovah is the “god of the gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with god,” says the bible.
(romans 3:29; deuteronomy 10:17).
Jehovah can do no wrong because perfect is all his activity. That the way the true Jehovah Witness believer will view no matter how many dead bodies Jehovah tramples in a mighty display of his cruel power.
why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students?
is there something seriously wrong with society?
does the public education/indoctrination system need some serious tweaking?
No doubt TV can put ideas in your head, and could put the idea of do a shoot out at the school, get some recognition.
Maybe we should look to see if there is a religious profile the shooters have in common to see if that might give some clues?
i know a lot of people might not want anything to do with any religion and i can sympathize, the bible an ancient collection of books compiled by the catholic church authorities and the some what restricted version by protestant movement we have the less voluminous of collected "holy" books call the king james.
which i think we have a lot to learn from them if we look at them from a more psychological point of view and not force them to be literally understood.. i think it is the same with these sutras, what is it telling us about the mind?
what can we expect from certain meditative practices.
the study edition of august 2018 mentions the 3 reliable news sources for jehovah's witnesses:.
"breaking news" at
"news" at
If you control the news you got lots power over the masses. That's one way to keep their/jws head in the sand.
why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students?
is there something seriously wrong with society?
does the public education/indoctrination system need some serious tweaking?
Could it be a form of resentment that is being expressed perhaps unconsciously towards the government indoctrination system? After all schools do squash a lot of individuality out of the person in an attempt to unify the masses toward conformity. I think a closer look into the "subject matter/what is taught" of/in the public school systems and it's effects on the psychology of the child should be done. Schools can be a very ruff place on a kid that could lead to this type of stuff especially if some material that is mandated by the government can be shown to be leading to a bad out come. I think these studies need to be made in a most unbiased way possible and feed the info into a super computing AI and see what happens?
Anyway I think a progressive government should do a good study by experts on this matter. Perhaps then we can see something done about it.